Monday 8 July 2013

Broken Idioms and Broken Dreams

Broken idioms, are like broken dreams... wait, what the hell is a broken dream? Okay, forget that. Broken idioms are like broken idioms, they need to be completed... even if they're somewhat different from the original.

So, below are broken idioms that have been completed, with a brief explanation.

Broken Idiom #1: People who live in glass houses... should have good insurance
Seriously, if you going to go with the modern, glass house look, don't be surprised when glass breaks all over the place.

Broken Idiom #2: A bird in the hand... requires a lot of work, just get Fast Food Chicken
Why make your food from scratch, when you can get super unhealthy food cheaply and very quickly.

Broken Idiom #3: Icing on the... Lake
It means, hide behind those walls because winter is coming, whether you like it or not

Broken Idiom #4: Between a rock and... another rock
This is when you try to show off in front of others, jumping from one rock to another. But then one of the rocks was slippery. So you fell, and landed between two rocks.

Broken Idiom #5: Don't cry over spilt... jelly beans, the 3 second rule still applies
This one is pretty obvious. Just because you dropped your jelly beans on the floor, doesn't mean you can't eat it. So there's no reason to cry.

the end

Okay, leave me a comment below, letting me know how you would complete any of the above broken idioms.

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