Monday 10 December 2012

Back from a Break

Yes, it's been a while... but Freezing Ellipsis is finally back. During that short break, I was contemplating the direction that Freezing Ellipsis should go in.

And, after much thinking, I've finally made up my mind.

At first Freezing Ellipsis was a platform for me to talk nonsense, be as random as I wanted and to be about nothing in particular.

But, after much thought and deliberation (I don't know why I used the word "deliberation'... it just sounded right. I probably heard it in a movie or something) I've made up my mind about what to do with Freezing Ellipsis.

What have I decided?

Well, I've decided that that I kind of like the idea of talking nonsense, so I'm going to stick with that. But, I also like making up pointless and random stories... so I think I'll do that as well.

So, previously, this blog involved me talking nonsense and was completely random. However, now this blog involves... well, me talking nonsense and being random... but with stories as well.

So, I guess in a sense, it's the same... but even more. More of the same?

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