Wednesday 3 April 2013

Introducing the Real Freezing Ellipsis

Up until now, the Freezing Ellipsis blog has been neither here nor there. It's taken me a while to get serious about this blog... and it's finally time to start the real Freezing Ellipsis blog.

I don't consider the posts before this post, as part of the real Freezing Ellipsis. Those posts were part of the testing, or experimenting phase. But, as of today, the real Freezing Ellipsis can start (or maybe as of tomorrow).

So, what is the Freezing Ellipsis blog about?

Stories. Made up, imaginary, fictional, fake... whatever, stories.

Why? Because I feel like it.

Now, in the interest of disclosure (and to make sure you set your expectations really really low), I am not a writer, nor was English one of my strong subjects in High School. So, don't expect much. In fact, it's probably best if you don't expect anything at all.

My hope is that these fake stories will be funny. So, if you're reading one of them, and you're not sure whether you should laugh or not, just laugh anyway.

My intention is to make the stories funny... but I can't guarantee that they will be.

One more thing. The stories are probably going to be completely random, may make no sense and are not likely to flow into each other. Basically, set your expectations super low.

Final thing. I say 'stories,' but they're more like scenes of stories. So I can't really call them short stories either... because they aren't. They're random scenes of different stories, where one story may be completely unrelated to the scene of the story that follows.

Okay, even I'm getting confused. So I'll just say this. Set your expectations low... the lower, the better.

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