Saturday, 25 May 2013

The Walk to that Place

The two people left the strange unmarked building at 6am. Yes, the building was unmarked... apart from the name painted on the side in big, bold letters...but the name is not important.

What did seem important was where these two were walking to.

At this point, you may have some questions. Where are they walking to? Who are they? why are they leaving so early? Yes, questions need answers... but I don't know myself. I'm making this up as I go. Anyway, where was I...

They walked past a green rubbish bin. In the rubbish bin, among other things, was a coke can. (remember this coke can, it's probably important). A few steps away they noticed a single flower growing from a small piece of earth between the paving (once again, take note of this detail).

Five minutes into the walk the one friend suddenly stopped. The other one, who was a few steps ahead, turned and looked at his friend.

The friend who stopped, put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. The friend who was a few steps ahead then carried on walking, while the other friend turned 90 degrees and continued to walk. (Just what was written on that piece of paper? No, seriously, what was on the paper... I'd like to know myself)

They both walked for what seemed like at least hour or so before reaching their destination. (Wait, wait, wait. Didn't the one friend walk forward while the other changed direction? Oh, whatever. Moving on...)

The one who had the paper arrived at his destination a few minutes later than the other. However, the fact that the one arrived minutes before the other is not of great importance. What is important is that the arrived with time to spare. Timing was everything and they made it in time... in time for-

the end

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