Thursday 18 April 2013

Some Random Guy's Hardcover Counter Book

He sat back in is super comfortable black leather chair… with back support and armrests… occasionally taking a sip of the red substance in his wine glass, paging through a hardcover Counter book. He laughed. He laughed again. He laughed agai-
“Teacher, what are you doing?”
“I’m reading. Focus on whatever you’re doing”
A girl in the front row lifts up her hand
“Yes, what is it?”
“Teacher, it’s a little hard to concentrate when you’re laughing so much.”
“Why do you need to concentrate, this is a free period. You should enjoy it”
She lifts up her hand again
“Teacher, you’re the one who gave everyone an encyclopedia and told us to read it, because we had to tell you what we learnt before the end of class.”
“Yeh!” protests a student at the back. “What’s with these encyclopedias anyway. They’re more like a weapon than a reading book. Haven’t you ever heard of Wikipedia?”
Now a boy in the second row lifts up his hand. But, speaks before Jack has a chance to respond.
“Teacher, 2 questions. One, what’s that book you’re reading? Two, do you think you should be sipping wine during school hours? I’m not judging. I’m just curious.”
Jack replies, “Well thi-“
“Oh” the boy cuts in, “one more question. Can I get a sip of that?”
Jack continues, “Well this is not wine, it’s Grapetiser. And the book is-“
Another boy cuts in, “Is it one of those black notebooks where if you write someone’s name in it, they die? What's it called again... ah, Death Note. Can we test it out using your name?”
Jack turns in his chair, looking at the boy, “Hmm, no and no and extra homework for you.”
He turns to face the whole class, “As I was saying, this hardcover Counter book contains random writings. You may find some of it funny, some of it rubbish, some of it will make no sense you to. Basically, it’s some random guy’s note book.”
Another girl, this time in the second row, sticks up her hand
“Why do you have some random guy’s note book?”
“He is some random guy to you. But, he wasn’t a random guy to me”
The boy who wanted to write Jack’s name in the notebook spoke out again “Oh… I knew it. I always had my suspicions about you teacher, but now it’s all clear. You and this guy-“
“I meant he was a friend and that’s even more extra homework for you”
“It’s fine. I didn’t plan on doing my normal homework anyway. It doesn't matter how much homework you give, the end result will be the same”
“Fine. Then more homework for your 3 friends who are sitting to the left, right and in front of you.”
The two boys to the left and right of him look pissed off, but the boy in the front of him looks shocked.
“What? Teacher, we’re not friends. We haven’t been friends ever since he damaged by rare Pokemon card. You can’t give me extra homework. Please, think about my damaged holographic Charizard card.”
A boy in the front row asks, “Teacher, can you show us this Some Random Guy’s note book?”
Jack speaks to the class, “Are you guys interested in Some Random Guy’s note book?”
Most of the class shout “Yes!”
“I don’t really care either way” says the boy who made the comment about writing Jack’s name in the book.
“And that’s extra homework for your friend sitting behind you”
The boy behind him slams his fist on his desk “Damn it.”
Jack talks to the class, “Okay. I’ll show you guys parts of the notebook every now and then… when I feel like it. But just not today”
“I can’t take this!” A girl in the third row snapped “How am I supposed to memorize this stuff out of this book with all this talking!”
The class looks at her. 2 seconds of complete silence.
“Oh that,” Jack said casually, “We’re no longer doing that whole ‘tell me what you learnt from the encyclopedia’ thing. I just told you guys a while ago to do whatever you want”
“Oh… okay” the girl calmed down “But couldn’t you have mentioned that 10 pages ago?”
  “What?” again, the same boy who already gave 4 others extra homework. “You actually took him seriously and read the encyclopedia?”
“You” pointing at the boy, sitting two chairs away from him. "Extra homework for you too. And to the rest of you, carry on doing whatever until the end of the period."

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