Monday 1 July 2013

Stories from Ellipsis

Who am I? Just someone who tells stories from Ellipsis. I am known by many names, none of which are "He Who Must not be Named." No, I am nowhere as mysterious as him. Besides you can say my name. My name is... what was it again?

Anyway, as I was saying, I am known by many names. "He who sits down and tells stories," "The storyteller of Ellipsis," "That Guy over there who tells stories," "Him, over there, the weird one telling stories no one wants to hear," "Stop that Freak over There..." and many more. Yes, I am known by many names.

But, my name is not important. All that you need to know, is that I tell stories from Ellipsis.

"What is Ellipsis?" you ask. Ellipsis is not necessarily here nor there... but it is somewhere. Yes, it probably is somewhere.

"Is Ellipsis real?" you ask. Hmm... it's real but at the same time it's also not real. Or maybe it could be either or. An illusion that's reality... reality that's an illusion. Who knows. What is real and what is an illusion?

There are many versions of Ellipsis, and each one is Ellipsis. One version may be similar to another... while another completely different. However, each Ellipsis is still Ellipsis. Furthermore, the happenings of Ellipsis varies from person to person. Yet, each Ellipsis remains Ellipsis.

"What are you talking about?" you ask. Ah... what's with all these questions. We're not playing 21 Questions over here. Look, all you need to know is that I'll going to tell you stories... stories from Ellipsis. Okay? Okay.

So, do you want to hear a story? You do? Okay... Once upon a ti- actually, I don't feel like telling a story right now. Let's save it for another time. 

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